Creative Teaching Site


Welcome to the Creative Teaching Site. This web site is designed to help teachers enhance their abilities as teachers and help them make teaching genuinely satisfying and enjoyable. Our intention is to keep making frequent updates - so stay tuned. Rumours abound concerning the emergence of a free "Creative Teaching Tips" e-mail newsletter. Let's see how that goes!

Rich And Diverse

The world we live in is a rich and diverse place. If we're smart, we can take advantage of different aspects of the stimulating environment we all live in to help us teach creatively. On this site, you'll find the following resources that help teachers become creative teachers:

  • music
  • video
  • books
  • floor puzzles
  • quizzes
  • worksheets

If you can stimulate your students, you have a better chance at keeping them interested in learning more. But being creative offers more benefits than just holding a kid's attention. If you are able to present material in many different ways, your students have a better chance of understanding it. Being a creative teacher encourages students to be creative learners too.

Most teachers accept that learning is most effective when it is enjoyable, but they are given little direct advice about how to achieve the creative and motivating classrooms that educationalists appeal for.

If you haven't already, you might want to start by reading about what creative teaching is. Then explore the material linked on the left of this page to get inspiration for new ideas of your own.